What is SEO and why websites need it
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In short words, it is an integrated strategy to increase traffic from the organic or free search result of Google and other search engines. Google’s searching algorithm is its top secret and always changing but SEO specialists devote to understand the algorithm as deep as possible to achieve the first page goal.
Imagine that you pay to design and develop a website but nobody views it. This is why websites need SEO. Unlike Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising , it does not involve any direct payment to Google, Bing or other engines. Instead, websites compete for relevant keywords or phrases with websites’ authority, relevancy and technicality.
Pnetform’s SEO consists of 3 elements:
On-page optimization, off-site optimization and technical SEO.
On-page optimization refers to the content optimization respect to relevant keywords interpreted by Google searching algorithm. Google likes to return most relevant pages satisfying users the most in information, education or entertainment.
Off-site optimization refers to increase relevant external links (backlinks) to the website. Theoretically, more backlinks represents higher authority and the website should therefore be ranked higher. However, nowadays search engine is much more intelligent and it will determine the relevancy as well.
Technical SEO refers to the optimization of the technical performance and requirement of the website and the hosting server for user experience and search engine crawling. It includes site speed, mobile friendliness, SSL, structure and other factors.
5 essential methods for pnetform to work out successful SEO
Keyword Research
Intuitively, we hope a short keyword or even vocabulary return your website. However, the majority of global search is formulated with long-tail keyword phrase. These longer words search do conversion more effectively. pnetform first studies the relevant keywords and their combination to estimate the keyword value before furthermore procession.
Competitor Analysis
Once we obtain most valuable keywords to our clients, the next question is who are competing for these keywords and how strong they are. Simultaneously, we also assess how SEO friendly the competitors are to decide how we should battle or look for other keywords.
SEO Audit
In terms of technical SEO, a SEO friendly website will be ranked higher given that all other factors remain the same. This catalytic factor is critical because Google may even ignore your website if it is not easy to crawl.
Content Creation
Content is everything in SEO. Does a common human feel good after reading your web pages? Google gains reputation by returning useful websites. Furthermore, we should also apply keywords in a nature way or Google will penalize any keywords stuffing.
Link Building
Authority is the public recognition of an information source. For instance, Google returns the most quoted publication to academic search. One very important measure of authority is the backlink from recognized sites. Number counts, recognition counts more!

pnetform SEO Price Budget
Based on Hong Kong Pricing Index in 2018, our basic SEO plan starts from HK$ 5,000 per month (exclude content creation). Rank at First page for 10 keywords in the first 6 months and another 10 keywords in the next 6 months.
Potential extra fee:
Content complexity
If the existing website consists of large amount of text, this increases the time and the cost of analysis.
Technology used in the website
In general we will do the technical works, but for not so common CMS or due to technical limitation, we may require extra cost or reject your offer.
The basic package excludes content creation. We welcome any request and our copywriting team leader is experienced in marketing and promotion.
Contact us today for more SEO information!